Stevie’s Place – Child Advocacy Center
Stevie’s Place Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is designed as a child-friendly, neutral setting that provides children who may have experienced maltreatment and their non-offending family members support and advocacy during investigations.
Stevie’s Place works alongside law enforcement, child protection, and forensic medical services when there are allegations of child sexual abuse, serious physical abuse, or when a child may have witnessed a violent crime. When child abuse is suspected, Stevie’s Place provides forensic services to individuals under the age of 18 who live in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and the surrounding villages of Interior Alaska.
Contact Stevie’s Place:
(907) 374-2850
Stevie’s Place Frequently Asked Questions
What do I tell my child about coming to Stevie’s Place?
You might tell your child:
We are going to Stevie’s Place. It is place where kids go to talk about important stuff.
You will get to talk to someone that talks to lots of kids about things that might have happened to them.
It’s okay to tell them everything, you are not in any trouble.
Will I be able to watch my child’s interview?
No. Only professionals directly involved in the investigation are allowed to watch the interview. Children
are told who will be watching the interview and this is done to reduce stress on the child and provide a
neutral setting for the investigation.
What if my child is not ready to be interviewed?
Extended interviews can be offered, this allows the child to come back over several visits to talk to the
interviewer. We recognize that some children need more time to feel safe and comfortable with us and
our environment. We do not ask the same questions over and over.
Stevie's Place is the recipient of the Victims for Justice 2023 Outstanding Services to Victims in Alaska by an Organization Award.
Find Out More About Stevie’s Place
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Get Involved
There are many ways you can help us help children. Monetary donations are great and we are now accepting donations here—but there are many other ways you can support RCPC Stevie’s Place.
- Donate your time
- Donate new quilts or blankets
- Donate new or gently used stuffed animals
- Donate new toys

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Call Us: (907) 456-2866
Fax: (907) 451-8125
Monday - Friday:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.