2023 Resiliency Conference
2023 Resiliency Conference
The 4th Annual Resilience Conference takes place from February 27th- March 1, 2023 SAVE THE DATE AND REGISTER TODAY FAIRBANKS! (Free Admission)
The 4th Annual Resilience Conference takes place from February 27th- March 1, 2023 SAVE THE DATE AND REGISTER TODAY FAIRBANKS! (Free Admission)
11 Week Program Mondays 12:00pm-1:00pm February 6th- April 17th If you are looking for a better way to connect with your children and strengthen your family’s bond, this is the course for you! The Strengthening Families Program provides positive, helpful insights and activities for every family. Through this course, families learn to listen, communicate, negotiate […]
6 Week Program Mondays 5:30pm-6:30pm February 13th-March 20th Put a positive twist on your parenting! This class aims to equip parents with positive and effective parenting behavior techniques. These improve your children’s social and emotional development while providing a better understanding of how children communicate with us. Parents will better understand what behavior means for […]
The 4th Annual Resilience Conference takes place from February 27th- March 1, 2023 SAVE THE DATE AND REGISTER TODAY FAIRBANKS! (Free Admission)